Anxiety is a complex combination of the feeling of apprehension, unease, worry and fear. A word "anxiety" doesn't always have a negative meaning. It is a self-defense mechanism that helps us to prepare for the possible danger and even survive.
For example, if you would see a snake crawling in front of you, it would take your body only a couple of seconds to prepare itself for one of two most common reactions: "fight" or a "flight" (escape). In this case it might have saved your life.
As you see, anxiety can be very helpful, unless that feeling of apprehension and worry becomes chronic. In this case a person can develop anxiety disorder that will start to affect his/her social life.
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Changes that our body is going through during anxiety are quite noticeable. Those changes are called "Physical anxiety symptoms".
Physical anxiety symptoms result from the body re-directing most of its resources to the major muscle groups (legs, arms) that we'll be able to use for fighting with what we consider "an enemy" or running away from it.
* Those muscle groups need more oxygen for an energy boost and extra strength. During this time we often experience muscle tension and aches.
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* Our breathing becomes faster to supply the body with the oxygen that it needs. That quickens heartbeat in order to deliver more oxygen to the muscles in a short period of time.
* Often we might experience palpitations (conscious, unpleasant awareness of our heartbeat, felt in the neck, chest or throat).
* This may also cause discomfort and even pain in the chest area. A lot of people mistakenly take this physical anxiety symptom for a sign of heart attack or some serious heart disease.
* Since a lot of blood is diverted from the brain we often feel dizzy, light-headed and shaky.
* None of the energy can be wasted on half-processed food and as there is poor blood flow in the stomach the body tries to get rig of all unneeded food one way or another. Vomiting and nausea are two reflexes controlled by the central nervous system. In case of danger vomiting is triggered, causing abdominal discomfort.
* We also might have diarrhea or experience frequent need to go to the toilet.
* Other unnecessary at the time of danger functions as saliva production are simply shut down. That is why most people during anxiety attacks experience such sensations as dryness around your lips, dry mouth and difficulty to swallow (lump in the throat)
* To cool down the body from excessive energy production we sweat more than usual. We also experience a short lasting feeling of "cool and warm" sensations (having hot/cold flashes).
* When nervous system is irritated, we become highly aware of our body. Sometimes we might get a feeling like an ant is crawling on or body (Paraesthesias).
Those physical anxiety symptoms even though are unpleasant, make no serious harm to the body. What one might experiences during anxiety attack is very similar to an intense exercising at the gym. It means, that you don't have to be afraid of anxiety attack, but you also don't have to live with it. There are lots of treatments available to cope with anxiety and eliminate its physical symptoms permanently.